Sunday, August 5, 2012

22 Pounds!!!

O.K. so I lost a little bit of my momentum these past two weeks but have still managed to make it to my 22 pound marker. It's amazing how a little added stress can really throw you off balance. Moving an elliptical into the house has really helped though. I've also learned that working out in the afternoons has been much more beneficial. Smaller portions have become my norm and water my drink of choice. These may seem like small steps, but I often stop and think about all that I DID NOT do before. Below is my list, thus far of changes I've made. So far they have been quite effective.

  • Waiting 15 minutes before going back for seconds
  • Water, Water, Water!
  • More lean proteins and fiber
  • Little to no simple carbs replaced with complex (low glycemic index) carbs
  • BEANS! I've done quite a bit of research on fat burning, metabolism boosting foods and a cup of beans (because of the protein and fiber) with every meal will help shrink that tummy!!
  • And last but not least, treating myself. Yes. That's correct. I give myself one cheat night a week. I find that this helps me to make better decisions during the week.